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Brett Volpe

Pensions- What to do when you leave your job?
Leaving an employer can often be an emotional time. Whether you are leaving your employment voluntarily or involuntarily, there are generally three main financial issues that need to be considered: 1) retiring allowance planning, 2) pension plan options and 3) salary continuance and company benefits. It is important to carefully evaluate the options presented to you as the decision is often irreversible.

Why use a broker over a bank?
Why is a broker the best option when it comes to financial advice?💸🧐
A broker works on behalf of the client, which is you. We will advocate on your behalf and do whatever is possible to see that you receive the best insurance or investment product.
A career agent or bank, are working for a particular company, which means they have the best interests of the company in mind during every step of the process. At some point, the company takes over your file and there is no one working on your behalf.
With brokers, there is always someone in your corner, offering peace of mind and great service every step of the way.
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What is Wealth Management, and How Can it Help YOU?
VFS is a family-owned, independent financial services company based in Oakville, Ontario.
So, what is ‘Wealth Management’ and how can it help you?
Whether you are a young couple who want to save for the education of your newly arrived bundle of joy, a middle-aged couple planning for retirement, or the main breadwinner for your family, you still need wealth management.
Wealth management is the highest level of financial planning services. It generally involves comprehensive investment management alongside financial advice, tax guidance, estate and insurance planning.
Do you need to be rich to benefit from Wealth Management?
While the super-rich do have teams of wealth managers making sure their millions produce many more millions, the same principles apply regardless of your net worth: invest wisely over the long term and you can help transform some money today into a lot more money tomorrow.
So…no, you don’t need to be rich, anyone can benefit from services provide, just ask! 😊
We at Volpe Financial Solutions are always available and eager to help. If you would like to discuss your current financial situation, as well as your short and long term goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the form below, or by calling 416 702 1017.
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New to Investing? A Message to Young Investors
New to investing and financial planning?
In this video, Gavin, Riaz and Martin from VFS discuss some of the most common concerns they hear when talking to new investors about getting started with their planning!
With such a wide array of information out there, oftentimes, finding a starting point can seem daunting. As financial advisors, we aim to provide guidance on how, where and when to invest. The advice we offer is based on your own unique situation, meaning we’ll uncover your personal goals - where you want to be financially, and when you want to be there - and provide you with a plan that is optimal for you.
If you’re new to investing, you may be thinking to yourself: “I need to save more to get started. I don’t have enough to invest yet, nor would I really benefit from it”. Always remember, the most important factor when investing is time. The more time that you have in the market, the less risk you’re going to have to take to reach your financial goals.
Are Robo Advisors a Good Idea?
In recent years, young investors have been gravitating towards are Robo advisors. They can be an attractive solution because they typically offer low management fees. Although this is true, it doesn’t always tell the full story because lower fees do not always equal higher returns.
Financial advisors provide insight and analysis on market trends as well as offer alternative approaches to investing that may be more beneficial to your portfolio. In addition, an advisor can help you determine the proper asset allocation to fit your lifestyle. If you currently have an investment portfolio including holdings via a Robo advisor or trading app, a financial advisor can evaluate your existing investments and determine if they are still appropriate for meeting your short or long-term goals
An advisor is going to be able to build a personal relationship with you and suggest changes to your plan in real time as you go through each stage of your life.
The Best Time to Start Investing is Now
Regardless of your situation, it never hurts to have a conversation. We at Volpe Financial Solutions are always available and eager to help. If you would like to discuss your current financial situation, as well as your short and long term goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the form below, or by calling 416 702 1017.
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RRSP's - Top 4 Reasons to INVEST in One
It’s that time of the year again when you get around 60 days to catch up on your RRSP contributions for the previous year. An RRSP account keeps your investments tax-sheltered (until withdrawal) and is a great way to save for retirement.💰
For more information, or to start investing into your RRSP, visit
Officially, the 2020 RRSP Contribution deadline (i.e. 2021 RRSP Season) runs from January 1, 2020, to March 1, 2021.💡
Your best choice on what to do depends on where you stand in the COVID economy. If you’ve been earning a fairly good salary from a secure job but are stuck at home with limited opportunities to spend it, then this might be a golden opportunity to load up your RRSP with a pile of tax-advantaged retirement savings. On the other hand, if your income has suffered or your job security is uncertain, then it might be better to keep what money you have closer-to-hand in a TFSA.💸💸💸
We can help you figure out what the right choice is. Contact us if you need our assistance.
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Term life insurance – VFS
Now, more than ever, people understand that life insurance is essential in protecting the people they love the most. That’s why we’re making it even more affordable to get started, with simple, affordable, and flexible life insurance plans.
From September 1 to March 1 2021, Volpe Financial Solutions is offering 4 months of premiums if you sign up for Term Life Insurance. No catches. No fine print.
Contact a VFS advisor today at 416 702 1017 or fill out the form below for more information or to sign up for this fantastic offer.

Thinking about purchasing insurance for your children is not an easy thing to do. The last thing any parent wants to consider is the potential of losing a child. However, Whole life insurance also provides a way to save for the future. The premiums you pay are invested. The income it earns creates a cash value for the policy which you can access in the future. It can be used in many ways such as to supplement your child’s education, purchase a home, purchase a car, or fast track their retirement goals.
When it comes to life insurance as an investment, this is about buying it “for your child” not on your child. Permanent whole life insurance could be one of the smartest investments you make for your child’s future. Give your kids a head start for tomorrow!
For more information, please visit or reach us at
Volpe Financial Solutions is an independent financial advisor company in Oakville, Ontario. We offer wealth solutions, investment advice, insurance plans catered to individuals, and group benefits for employers.
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Is Life Insurance an Investment?
Often times many associate life insurance with its most simplistic form, which is that it provides a lump sum payment to the beneficiary of your choosing in the event of your passing.
Though this may be the case in some instances, there is also several ways in which life insurance can accumulate a cash value that can be used prior to your death.
In fact, certain life insurance products can offer significant returns while at the same time shelter these earnings from taxes that other forms of investing may yield.
These earnings can be used in your lifetime for a variety of different reasons - supplementing retirement income, vacations, home purchases, etc.
As many today are not finding themselves with any sort of pension in place, or a significant RSP contribution platform, this allows life insurance to assist in the retirement you deserve - much like a personal pension plan can.
There are primarily 2 forms of life insurance that allow you to accumulate tax preferred earnings, all while protecting your loved ones in the event of your passing. Universal Life insurance, and Whole Life insurance.
A Universal Life insurance policy has 2 components: life insurance, and a tax-efficient accumulation fund. Universal Life requires you to make regular deposits to your tax-sheltered fund. Part of the accumulated fund pays for your insurance coverage, while the excess goes into an investment option of you and your advisors choosing. This choice is based on your unique investor profile.
This option can allow you to maximize your tax sheltered savings as a result of reaching the contribution limits of your RRSP, TFSA, or RESP.
The second form of insurance I’d like to discuss is Whole Life insurance. Whole Life is life insurance that provides protection for exactly that – your whole life. Premiums are fixed from the application date and generally do not change.
With a Whole Life policy, you often have the option to pay up early in 10 or 20 years or until the age 65.
Whole Life plans build GUARANTEED cash value as well as accumulate dividends produced from the Participating fund. A PAR account combines long-term investment strategy, as well as a prudent management philosophy to generate strong returns for the policy owner.
These factors, along with the use of smoothing techniques, result in a dividend scale interest rate that’s more stable and less volatile than the equity market itself.
The money you earn can be drawn from the policy itself, or it can be borrowed against. This means that the policy itself is leveraged from the 3rd party lender, where you’ll receive a completely non-taxable loan. The interest rate on that loan can be paid out with the dividends that are made inside the policy. In addition, with a Whole Life insurance policy, should you decide to cancel your plan, you will receive the posted accumulated cash sum.
For younger clients seeking to get a jump start on their retirement planning, investing through insurance provides the opportunity to begin contributing towards your retirement, while maintaining relatively low insurance costs. A little bit in the present, can mean a lot in the future.
In either case, both Universal Life and Whole Life insurance policies offer exceptional value to your portfolio and can help you achieve your financial goals, whatever they may be.
Thanks for taking the time to watch this video. If you’d like to learn more about the this investment technique further, feel free to reach out to our insurance specialist Gavin Coscarella at at any time. Alternatively, you can reach us at 416 702 1017, or at
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